One of the operations with the most aesthetic benefit is usually taken out, since one of the signs of aging that most frequently appears and is the most annoying to us are bags under the eyes.

Both the upper eyelids falling progressively, as well as the lower ones with the well-known formation of bags, can make our eyes age, and in general, our face looks an aspect with which we are not satisfied.

This can be due to various factors, in most cases it is usually due to a poor diet, not getting enough sleep, or in general a marked and prolonged lack of rest.

This causes our body to retain fluids, and mostly fat, thus forming bags in the eyes and creating excess skin that causes the patient to look aesthetically impaired.

On many occasions, the genetic aspect also influences, if in our family we have a history of bags under the eyes, it will be more likely that we will also suffer from it.

Blepharoplasty is the recommended cosmetic surgery for these cases, with it it is possible to eliminate the bags in the eyes that had acquired a permanent character since in many cases, before resorting to surgery, creams or home remedies are tried.

In some cases this may be a suitable solution, especially if the problem is not very pronounced. If, on the contrary, a significant improvement is not achieved, with the aesthetic intervention, we will obtain magnificent results by eliminating those annoying bags and recovering the vitality of our eyes.

Most patients who resort to blepharoplasty to solve problems with their eyelids are usually over 40 years old, although in the case that they have bad rest habits, or especially they have a family history and are developing in one itself, it is very possible that this age drops significantly.

Before the blepharoplasty, a consultation will be held with the surgeon who will carry it out, where the procedure to be carried out will be explained and a series of instructions will be given to make the operation easier.

It is important to know what the expected result is, and not to have a high euphoria due to the appearance after the intervention, because although great results are achieved, it is surgery and not magic.

Each patient will have a different individual situation, but they should know that in cases in which the patient suffers from retinal detachment, glaucoma, lack of tears or high blood pressure, among other situations, the surgeon may require an ophthalmological review. before Blepharoplasty, for example, to make sure that the patient is in an acceptable state to carry out the operation.

Finally, do not forget to consult with experts who will be able to clarify your doubts precisely.