Unhappy with your silhouette? Would you like to remove it from here and put it there? NuBody Liposculpture is your option. We literally mold your silhouette, basically, during a liposculpture, the fat is extracted from those areas that we want to reduce and injected into those areas of the body that we would like to increase, for example, it can be extracted from the abdomen and injected into the buttocks and / or calves to give better shape to both areas.

WHAT IS NUBODY Liposculpture?

At NuBody we believe in the precision and detail that a Liposculpture entails, we also want this procedure to be the most noble and effective for the patient and also for the doctor who performs it.

Previously, liposuction was carried out with cannulas that with pressure and force detached the patient’s fat, this technique meant wear and tear for the surgeon and more post-operative trauma for the patient, as well as blood loss.

Thanks to technology in the medical field, all these problems have been solved, now at Nubody we use two important technologies: Vaser® ultrasound-assisted liposuction and now also Microiare or PAL (Power-Assisted Liposuction) assisted liposuction.

We explain why they are so phenomenal:

THE VASER® Liposculpture

Also called lipovaser, it is an advanced form of liposuction that uses mild ultrasonic energy to selectively break down some of the unwanted fat, preserving other important tissues. With the following advantages:

  • Faster procedures
  • More effective results
  • Increased shrinkage in the skin
  • Allows marking of all areas
  • Less bleeding
  • Does not clog blood vessels
  • Facilitates the transfer
  • Allows treating all areas
  • Minimal scars
  • Quick and less painful recovery
  • Minimal inflammation
  • The risks of skin burns are lower due to the use of ultrasound
  • Less bruising appears
  • It can be done using local anesthesia only or sedation.



PAL® is the preferred and most widely used alternative to manual liposuction. With the following advantages:

• Proven cell viability
• Less bruising
• Less inflammation
• Less surgeon fatigue
• Faster procedure

In addition, Dr. Gabriel A. Mecott and his team have developed an exclusive procedure that treats the extracted fat, to filter it by eliminating large amounts of serum and blood, preserving the whole fat stem cell, so that when transferring fat to another area of ​​the patient’s body, the volume that will be lost will be much less than that of an untreated fat transfer.

As you can see, the set of all these technologies results in shorter surgeries that carry less risk for the patient, better results, greater definition of fine points, less wear on your surgeon so that they pay attention to detail and look spectacular.

At NuBody you will find the best certified plastic surgeons in Monterrey, experts in these technologies.




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  • Anesthesia: Epidural Block + Sedation
  • Internment: Outpatient
  • Care and protection: Rest, girdles and elastic bandages.
  • Recovery: 1 to 2 weeks. (This time is variable depending on the case of the patient)
  • Results: Due to the normal process, the first changes are seen instantly, but the final result can take up to 8 months post procedure.
  • Associated Surgeries: Brazilian Buttlift


In what areas can liposuction be performed?

  • In women, the areas where liposuction is most frequently performed are: the hips, thighs, the anterior region of the arms, the double chin, the abdomen, the buttocks, the back
  • In men, the most common areas treated are: the abdomen, flanks, double chin and chest, to reduce a condition known as gynecomastia.

How do I know if I am a candidate for this?

The ideal candidates for liposuction or liposculpture are those who have a normal weight (without obesity problems), but who have localized accumulations of adipose tissue.

The ideal candidate must also have a good general state of health, must present psychological stability and realistic objectives regarding the procedure.

Are there risks I should consider?

This procedure is not recommended for people who have recently had surgery in the area where liposuction will be performed. Nor is liposuction recommended for patients with heart or respiratory problems.

This procedure does not eliminate cellulite, although in certain cases it can help make it less noticeable.

When liposculpture is performed in the hands of an expert surgeon and in the correct facilities, it is usually a very safe procedure, however it is necessary that we understand that there are risks as in any surgical procedure:

It may present an excessive accumulation of liquid in the treated area (this liquid must be drained)

Skin lesions may occur.

Complications can also occur when too much fat is removed in one procedure.

What are the care that I should have after the procedure and how long does it take to recover?

After the procedure, an elastic bandage or girdle is placed on the patient to help reduce swelling, bleeding, and allow the skin to adapt to its new shape. This girdle should be used throughout the day for the first 3 or 4 weeks, after that you should only use it during the day for a few more weeks depending on the instructions given by your surgeon.

After the surgery, the areas where the liposuction was performed are usually bruised and swollen, it is necessary to wait a while after the surgery to be able to appreciate the results of the procedure.

The surgery stitches are usually removed between 5 and 10 days after surgery and you will be able to return to work a few days after the intervention, trying not to perform strenuous activities.

At NuBody we always work safely and with high standards of care and professionalism. Put yourself in our expert hands and you will have natural and long-lasting results.


Although this surgery has raised the standards in body cosmetic surgery, plastic surgeons recommend it only to certain patients, since they must meet the following requirements:

  • Being normal weight or slightly overweight
  • Follow precise pre- and post-operative indications to minimize risks and optimize results
  • Do not smoke for at least two weeks before and after surgery
  • Not having diseases linked to being overweight, such as diabetes
  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle, that is, eat a balanced diet and do physical activity, in order to maintain the results over time