A few years ago it was highly unlikely to achieve a lean and toned body without dieting or exercise, however today thanks to technology it is possible to do it in the blink of an eye.

4D liposculpture (another name it receives) allows you to sculpt specific areas of the patient’s body, in order to mark the muscles of an athletic person.

Do you know why you can’t eliminate fat from your abdomen no matter how much exercise you do?

Because genetically you have more fat cells in that region, by transferring them to another site you will be able to define the abdomen that costs so much work.

With NU ABS® HIGH FIDELITY LIPO we can help you modify those areas where your genetics are preventing you.

Do not wait more! “Reprogram” the way your body stores fat. In an immediate and lasting way!

If you are looking for a NU ABS® specialist in Monterrey, in Nubody you will find the best Plastic Surgeons in Monterrey, and with extensive experience in this procedure.




This is a sample of the results of our LIPO HD NUABS®

If you are looking to accentuate muscle definition, this procedure is for you. We invite you to click on the button to see more cases of our patients.


  • Anesthesia: Epidural Block + Sedation
  • Internment: Outpatient
  • Care and protection: Rest, girdles and elastic bandages
  • Recovery: 1 to 2 weeks. (This time is variable depending on the case of the patient
  • Results: Due to the normal process, the first changes are seen instantly, but the final result can take up to 8 months post procedure
  • Associated Surgeries: Brazilian Buttlift


Difference from a HD lipo to a traditional liposculpture?

Unlike traditional liposculpture, “HD Lipo” reduces adipose tissue around the muscles in a localized way, using a high-density or high-frequency vibration ultrasound that emulsifies the fat cells in the area to be treated.

Who are candidates for HD lipo?

While traditional liposuction seeks to remove adiposities, ideally located, HD liposuction involves removing excess fat and relocating it in areas of smaller volume (for this), along with generating controlled body shapes, in order to highlight the underlying muscles

This surgery was created for those active people, who generally like sports and strive to have a defined and toned body. The technique defines body details that previously could only be marked based on high-level workouts and very strict diets. Now, a healthy person who exercises regularly can define his muscles and maintain the result with less effort than before.

What parts can be treated with an HD lipo?

HD Lipo can be performed on both male and female patients.

With Lipo HD it is possible to intervene: the abdominals, the muscles of the arms, back, breasts, thighs, back, buttocks, thighs and calves.

How long can I return to my regular activities?

The recovery period from plastic surgery depends on each particular procedure and varies from patient to patient. Most procedures allow the patient to resume their work activities the day after the operation, while others require 1 to 2 weeks for the person to return to work.

When do i start to see results?

While some changes from surgery are quickly apparent, final results are seen after 6 to 8 months.

Are the results permanent?

Someterse a una liposucción es igual a hacer una dieta. Cuando usted hace una dieta y rebaja determinada cantidad de peso, usted debe cuidarse de no volver a recuperar ese peso, mediante una alimentación balanceada, ejercicios, etc. Con la liposucción pasa lo mismo. Los resultados pueden ser los mejores, sin embargo, depende del paciente y de sus hábitos el mantener los resultados. La ventaja de la liposucción es qué si el paciente llegase a tener un aumento de peso, que no es exagerado, cuando el paciente vuelva a perder esos kilos de más, volverá a tener la misma figura que tenía cuando se operó.


Although this surgery has raised the standards in body cosmetic surgery, plastic surgeons recommend it only to certain patients, since they must meet the following requirements:

  • Being normal weight or slightly overweight
  • Follow precise pre- and post-operative indications to minimize risks and optimize results
  • Do not smoke for at least two weeks before and after surgery
  • Not having diseases linked to being overweight, such as diabetes
  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle, that is, eat a balanced diet and do physical activity, in order to maintain the results over time