Breast Reduction in Monterrey




Breast reduction surgery is a procedure where excess breast tissue is removed to improve the shape and proportionality of these. Breast reduction also allows you greater freedom for physical activity and improves health problems caused by excess weight of the bust.

Overly large breasts not only disharmonize with the rest of your body, they can also cause health problems such as low back pain or dermatitis.

The excessive size of the breasts also becomes a factor that limits your physical and sports activity and can predispose to obesity.

If you are looking for a Breast Reduction specialist in Monterrey, in Nubody you will find the best Plastic Surgeons in Monterrey.




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  • Anesthesia: Epidural Block
  • Internment: Outpatient
  • Care and protection: The strongest activities and sports or heavy lifting should be avoided during the first month. The permanent use of sports bra is recommended for three to four weeks, then it is recommended to wear it at least 12 hours a day for six months.
  • Recovery: 2 to 3 weeks. (This time is variable depending on the case of the patient). Most patients resume work and social activities within a few days unless they involve heavy lifting or vigorous exercise.
  • Results: Although the immediate result is very good, only between the 8th and 12th month will it have the final shape.
  • Associated Surgeries: Breast augmentation, accessory gland resection, liposuction, areola reduction.


Where are the scars of breast reduction?

Scars are usually slightly red during the first few months, but they tend to lighten and fade during the first year, never completely disappearing.

The incisions are made in the natural folds of the breasts so that the scars are successfully camouflaged. According to the degree of severity, the vertical technique, in inverted T or variations of the vertical such as the inferolateral or in the form of a “J” can be used. The more severe the case, the greater the length of the scars.

How is the recovery after breast reduction?

Recovery after a breast reduction is usually quick.

Post-surgical pain is usually minimal and is adequately controlled with pain relievers. Ice application is recommended for the first 24 hours to minimize inflammation. The degree of swelling is variable, usually increasing during the first three days and usually disappearing in 7 to 10 days.

Most patients resume work and social activities within a few days unless they involve heavy lifting or vigorous exercise.

Strenuous activities and sports or heavy lifting should be avoided for the first month.

The permanent use of sports bra is recommended for three to four weeks, then it is recommended to wear it at least 12 hours a day for six months.

Some women may temporarily experience a burning sensation in the nipples.

How long do breast reduction results last?

After breast reduction surgery has been performed, the breasts will remain smaller than they would be if the procedure had not been performed. However, patients who gain weight, become pregnant, or take hormones after breast reductions may notice an increase in breast size due to a natural increase in breast tissue. Also, the effects of age and gravity can cause the breasts to sag over time.


Although this surgery has raised the standards in body cosmetic surgery, plastic surgeons recommend it only to certain patients, since they must meet the following requirements:

  • Being normal weight or slightly overweight
  • Follow precise pre- and post-operative indications to minimize risks and optimize results
  • Do not smoke for at least two weeks before and after surgery
  • Not having diseases linked to being overweight, such as diabetes
  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle, that is, eat a balanced diet and do physical activity, in order to maintain the results over time