Masculinization of the thorax FTM in Monterrey



Breast surgery for transgender men is a surgical procedure to remove breast tissue (subcutaneous mastectomy). It is also called masculinizing thoracic surgery.

If you have small breasts, you may have surgery that preserves the skin, nipple, and areola (subcutaneous nipple-sparing mastectomy). If the breasts are more voluminous, the areolas and nipples may be removed, resized, and repositioned.

Breast surgery for transgender men could be performed as a step in the process of treating distress due to a difference between the sex experienced or expressed and the sex assigned at birth (gender dysphoria). The procedure can help transgender men make the physical transition to their self-affirmed gender.

If you are looking for a thoracic FTM specialist in Monterrey, in Nubody you will find the best Plastic Surgeons in Monterrey, and with extensive experience in this procedure.




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  • Anesthesia: The most used is local and sedation, however, in some cases with a higher degree of problem, epidural block is used.Internment: Outpatient.
  • Care and protection: Avoid exercise or significant efforts during the first postoperative month. A post-operative vest should be worn for the first four weeks. It will help the skin adapt to its new contour, control inflammation and prevent bleeding in the immediate postoperative period.
  • Recovery: 2 to 3 weeks. (This time is variable depending on the case of the patient)
  • Results: 6-12 months to have the final result.
  • Associated Surgeries: Gynecomastia, mastectomy, gynecomastia resection, areola reduction, Liposuction.


At what age is this procedure recommended?

Typically, masculinizing surgeries are postponed until adulthood. Hormone therapy is not necessary before undergoing thoracic surgery for transgender men. In some cases, waiting for the pectoral muscle to grow with testosterone therapy will produce the best surgical result. If you have been undergoing testosterone therapy, you will have blood tests to make sure your testosterone levels are within target range.

Can you be a candidate?

Your doctor may recommend that you not have this surgery if you have:

  • Uncontrolled mental health conditions
  • Significant health conditions, such as heart or kidney disease, a bleeding disorder, or a history of blood clots in a deep vein (deep vein thrombosis) or in a lung (venous thromboembolism)
  • Any condition that limits your ability to give informed consent.

How is the protocol?

Before surgery, you will meet with the surgeon. Consult a certified and experienced surgeon in this procedure. Your surgeon will describe your options and potential results. The surgeon will provide information about the anesthesia, the location of the operation, and the type of follow-up procedures that may be necessary. Follow your doctor’s specific directions on how to prepare for procedures, including guidelines for eating and drinking, adjusting current medications, and quitting smoking.

Is authorization from another specialist required?

Before performing thoracic surgery, most surgeons and insurance companies require a letter of support from a competent transgender health mental health provider. He or she will determine if you meet the World Professional Association of Transgender Health (WPATH) criteria for care. The criteria state that you must:

  • Have persistent and well-documented gender dysphoria
  • Have the ability to make an informed decision and to consent to treatment
  • Be of legal age to make health care decisions in your country (age of majority or 18 in the US)
  • Being treating any major medical or mental health problems

How is it the procedure?

Breast surgery involves more than a mastectomy. Special techniques are used to shape and reduce the chest wall, position the nipples and areola, and minimize scarring.

If your breasts are small, you may be able to have surgery that preserves the skin, nipple, and areola (subcutaneous nipple-sparing mastectomy). This intervention minimizes scars, has a faster healing and generally preserves the sensation in the nipples. During this surgery, incisions are made around the edges of the areolas and the skin around them. Breast tissue is removed through the incisions, and some skin may also be removed. The rest of the skin is reattached to the edge of the areola.

If your breasts are fuller, your areolas and nipples may be removed, resized, and repositioned. This causes more scarring and loss of nipple sensation. The non-erotic sensation usually returns in months or years.


Although this surgery has raised the standards in body cosmetic surgery, plastic surgeons recommend it only to certain patients, since they must meet the following requirements:

  • Being normal weight or slightly overweight
  • Follow precise pre- and post-operative indications to minimize risks and optimize results
  • Do not smoke for at least two weeks before and after surgery
  • Not having diseases linked to being overweight, such as diabetes
  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle, that is, eat a balanced diet and do physical activity, in order to maintain the results over time